
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse et commodo orci. Nunc placerat, elit in sodales dictum, velit erat vulputate sem, sed congue urna lacus nec eros. Morbi sapien nibh, dignissim id neque vitae, aliquam facilisis lorem. Praesent ut placerat justo. Etiam ut leo porttitor, dignissim magna at, tempor justo.


After a nuclear war that killed all life on earth, evolution was given a chance to comepletely start over. Because of the radiation in early organisms, humans were able to evolve with superhuman abilities, dividing into three sub-classes. Witches and warlocks could cast spells, brew potions, and cast hexes, psychics could read minds and use telekinesis, and avians developed more animalistic traits, such as wings. This future world progressed almost identically to the world we live in now, with similar wars and resolutions, and with geography as similar as Mother Nature could provide.